Ready to go from frantic to cool and super successful?
Be madly in love with your business AND lifestyle?
Wake up ecstatic to start a new day with new leads coming up … every day?
Introducing the…
From “crazy busy” to fun, fierce and
financially thriving in 12 weeks or less
12 week private coaching and mentoring program
This high-level, high-impact program is for you if…
✔️ You post on social media and hope your content gets likes, comments and shares.
✔️ You try to connect with potential prospects on LinkedIn, but don’t get any results from that.
✔️ You have mind-blowing expertise, but hardly anyone knows about it or can benefit from it, because you don’t know how to find clients who will pay your worth (we’re taking premium prices!)
✔️ You feel guilty or inefficient or unsatisfied with your results pretty much all the time (or all three!)
✔️ Deep down, you’re afraid you’ll run out of money if you don’t push yourself day in, day out, going above and beyond for everyone but you
✔️ You want to enjoy life a heck of a lot more than you do now, you just can’t figure how to make it happen without your business crumbling to your feet
(da preverimo, ali vam lahko pomagam)
Sound familiar?
I designed this program to save you time, energy and disappointments, take away stress (and later some of the work), and show you a way to grow your reputation and personal brand on LinkedIn while following my step-by-step proven C.R.A.Z.Y. method and rock the world with your newly claimed brilliance and magnetic presence.
LINKEDIN – C.R.A.Z.Y. EASY AND PROFITABLE is for you if you’re an action taker, coachable and open to receiving mentoring.
If you obsess over (versus just wish) to build a predictable client acquisition system, not just post randomly and hope for results.
If you are so fed up with your current viscious circle that you’re actually going to use the coaching and mentoring to propel you to not to your next level, but to an entirely different universe of how life and business are done with pure joy and magnificent results.
It’s likely the very solution you’ve been praying for.
And it’s right here, so you can get started reinventing your reality today.
Just imagine…
Chasing clients. Disappeared.
Self-doubt. Erased from your vocabulary.
Confusion over what to post and what to write in a message. Been there, done that, moved on.
Empty calendar. Gone.
Afraid of being sales-y. Not anymore.
Inconsistent income. No longer a program… Clients, money and good fortune are flowing in like clockwork!
Fun. Finally back – and here to stay!
Your heart’s desires. Fulfilled at last.
Guess what? This absolutely CAN be your new normal!
In fact, it SHOULD be your new normal if this is what you desire…
Because craving something is the strongest call to action there is!
I’ll guide you through my proven 5-step C.R.A.Z.Y. Busy To Insanely Abundant Break Free System
For Lifestyle Loving Online Entrepreneurs to help you package, create and sell your premium
coaching program and sell it on LinkedIn using a predictable, measurable step-by-step system.
You will…
✓ Double Your Wealth
✓ Recharge And Stay Charged
✓ Love Yourself Accountable
✓ Get In The Flow
✓ Live Your Legacy
and this doesn’t even begin to express all the game-changing moments because your transformation certainly won’t stop there!
You see, working with a private mentor and coach literally creates MAGIC.
There’s always unexpected breakthroughs happening left and right, and usually ALL areas of your life are uplifted alongside your business.
LINKEDIN – C.R.A.Z.Y. EASY AND PROFITABLE – entirely delivered over Skype and email – includes the following elements…
✓ A comprehensive Welcome Packet, so we’ll be all warmed-up to get started strong
✓ A 90-minute Quickstart Intro Session
✓ Two (!) Virtual Half VIP Days with Tina
✓ Four 45-minute coaching
✓ A 90-minute Celebrations and Next Steps Session
✓ A weekly Accountabiliy Journal
BONUS; Done-For-You & Easy-to-Use Message Scripts
BONUS: Three step-by-step trainings how to clone your voice and let a team member do this for you
Here’s how my method works:
You get an interactive and incredibly inspiring private coaching with me on each aspect of the From Crazy busy to Insanely Abundant Method via Zoom.
Exciting, step by step message templates and builders to ensure that you dive deep, transform your LinkedIn profile and get the full benefit of this powerful social media.
Personalized action steps after each coaching session, designed to help you apply what you are learning so it really sticks.
Of course, this is NOT for everyone….
It’s definitely NOT for you if you’re just looking for a magic pill without the willingness to put in any work to create the transformation you desire.
It’s also NOT for you if you don’t want to let your old story, excuses, limiting beliefs, and any other weight around your ankles go, and go fast, so that you can finally feel free to be 100% you and fall in love with your business and life NOW.
And, most of all, it’s NOT for you if your fear is stronger than your desire to thrive in your most expressed and lit up version of yourself.
But that’s not you, is it?
You KNOW that you’re no longer willing to settle. Hurt. Be frantic. Chase time or your to-do list or both. Wait. Hope. Do nothing. Stay miserable or at least less happy than you could be right this moment.
YOU have what it takes to shift anything and everything that doesn’t vibrate at a level that serves you.
If you know you want me on this journey with you, to hold space for you, support you and empower you to step into who you truly are beyond all the everyday madness, let’s go!
Let’s do this!
Let’s ignite your enthusiasm and drive again, free up your schedule, and skyrocket your income.
It’s all yours for the taking! (Yay!)
Before learning the methods Tina teaches, I was in a real money mess. I had tons of debt and my monthly expenses seriously outweighed my income.
Now I have the tools, systems and and mindset I needed and I have totally transformed the way I handle money – both in my business and personal life. My savings are growing, my debts are falling and I can now pay cash for luxuries that had previously gone on credit cards!
I’ve purchased several on line programs and could not figure out how to get those lessons to apply to my business. I kept feeling like I was trying to fit a jigsaw puzzle together with lots of missing pieces. After 1 session talking with Tina to discuss my specific needs I got clarity and many easy to implement ideas and tasks to finally get on track and get my online business more properly set up. I’m so thankful for Tina’s help, I’m finally getting on track.
Apply now for a complimentary Clarity Call